What is a good website or how to make your web development to next level?.
“Dont Build a website because you need one. Build a website because it accomplishes a goal”
As all know google is truly transparent. Google SEO always check what your website is about and its sector. But we have to let it know the audience/customers consuming your content as well as it provide high quality content. How to make a website with high quality content to let google know you are on it.
Try to include handful of Images/Videos.
Images/Videos keep users engaged. It helps to easily understand with visuals rather than text. people mostly prefer visuals that they can easily communicate with them without wasting their time.
Add deep relevant content
Use content related keywords, phrases in your content. this will make the customers to stick around to your website long time. People only choose exactly what they want, so we have to add the relevant content that satisfy their needs.
Longer content
Google like to reward pages that has around 2000 plus words. That is Google prefer content rich sites. Google Doesnt rank a site by its word count but longer content gets the chance of quality backlinks. And more than that people need their search related everything in one site. So more count and content quality gives more traffic to your sites.
Easy Redability
Try to use simple words and shorter sentence in your pages that can be easily understand by common people and use more conversational words instead of complex ones. Google uses many typesof readability score that tells how hard or easy your site is to read. Flesch reading test is an example.
Add Headlines and subheading to make the content easy to grasp and make people stick long time in your content.
People doesnt really want to read long text but they want the spontaneous information within short time. So use bulletins, point, text format like italic and bold to make your points more important and specific.
Prefer authorative and trustworthy on the topics and contents
People always choose the topics that are authorative and trustworthy. So try to use examples to specify your points links and embedded share buttons that gives extra credibility to your content and website.
Social media shares
Your website gets more views and engagement through socila media shares. More than that it is very impactfult for a business website to introduce their new brands and produtcs easily to the world.
Clever linking
We should add atleast one internal link to the page for ranking. Where You can add keyword to specific url. Ex: If you have a blog post in your website, you can link to some other page in the site.
These are some of the things you want to ensure for making a quality website. Not but not least Keep your site simple that any people get an idea about your site and content without any complexion.
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